S175/157 Self-Assessment Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Below, you will find a number of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the S175/S157 self-assessment. If you find that your question is not covered, you can still get in touch by emailing SET@bolton.gov.uk

FAQ 1: Can I save my progress when completing my S175/S157 self-assessment so I can return to it later?

Yes – we understand that completing your self-assessment is unlikely to be done in a single session, and information may be required from different sources. Your progress can be saved at any time after completing the initial page and returned to by using the ‘Save’ button provided at the bottom of each page.

When you select ‘Save’, you will be prompted for a Name and (school) E-Mail address to which a link will be sent to continue your submission. The link will be invitation@online1.snapsurveys.com

When you selectSave’, you will receive a notification ‘Your responses have been saved but not submitted’. You can then enter an email address, to which the link will be sent to continue your submission.

  • Top tip - save your work every section at minimum.
  • Remember to confirm the email address you submit is correct, and to click 'Email me the link'. Check your junk / spam folder if you do not receive the email.
Save option


FAQ 2: Can more than one person contribute to completing the self-assessment?

We would encourage key people to be involved with your 175, e.g. Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead (DDSL), Safeguarding Governor. However, we would recommend the actual completion of the self-assessment is undertaken by a named individual for consistency, it is possible to forward the ‘saved-progress’ link referred to in the previous FAQ to another member of your team.

FAQ 3: What is the deadline for completing and submitting the self-assessment?

We fully appreciate that the completion of the S175/S157 self-assessment can be a significant undertaking, which may involve various members of the school team.  In order to provide sufficient time for the collation of required information, the online self-assessment for the 2024/25 academic year will remain open throughout the Spring Term 2025 as follows:

  • Self-assessment opens:  6th January 2025

  • Self-assessment closes: 18th April 2025

Arrangements for future S175/S157 self-assessments will be published to this page as they become available.

FAQ 4: My school is part of a multi-academy trust. Can we complete a single S157 completion on behalf of our partner academies?

Whilst there may be common safeguarding approaches across a multi-academy trust, the self-assessment must reflect the local safeguarding arrangements.  As such, a Section 157 assessment must be completed for each individual setting.

FAQ 5: How can I obtain a copy of my completed self-assessment responses?

On completing your final question of the self-assessment, you will be presented with a final screen Print, Save, Submit.  To save a copy of your assessment, Select Ctrl +P. In the print dialogue box, select the printer and option ‘Microsoft Print to PDF’.  This will allow you to save a digital copy of your responses, enabling you to copy and paste your submitted responses into your safeguarding action plan. You can then either select the Print option or Ctrl +P to print your copy. We recommend you choose to print in landscape orientation.

Once you have done this, remember to ‘Submit’ your self-assessment.

See separate guidance document for more information.

FAQ 6: Some of the questions are not relevant to my setting?

We have added an N/A option to the questions where the question may not relate to all settings. Please only use the N/A option if the question is not relevant to your setting.

FAQ 7: What are the comments and evidence boxes for?

These boxes have been provided to enable you to add any evidence or actions that you are going to take. Anything you identify should be extracted and used to input into your action plan.

FAQ 8: Can I move through the document and see all the question?

Unfortunately, you must mark the box before you can move on. The survey platform does not allow this.
A list of questions can be found on the Audit Question Bank.

FAQ 9: What happens to the information we provide?

All completed responses are collated by the Safeguarding Children Partnership and will be combined to provide an overarching summary assessment across Bolton.  These results will provide a view of safeguarding provision for Bolton schools and colleges, to identify where the strengths lie and identify areas that require further development.

FAQ 10: I haven’t got a copy my last 175. What do I do?

Please email SET@bolton.gov.uk and we can request a copy for you.

FAQ 11: Can my responses from last year be prepopulated into this years Self-Assessment for me?

Unfortunately the survey platform is unable to do this. We recommend you having last years responses next to you which should speed up the process.

FAQ 12: What is best practice when it comes to Action Planning?

We would recommend that before embarking on a new self-assessment, that you review your action plan from the previous year. Any outstanding actions should be added to your new action plan.

FAQ 13: How secure is my data?

The Snap Surveys platform is certified to ISO 27001, the international standard for best practice in information security management systems, and consequently has in place a comprehensive set of information security policies and supporting procedures.